Religion is and has been one of my favorite topics for a long time. Talking about religion is something I have always enjoyed and usually find
intellectually and spiritually rewarding as well. What I would like to do with this post is to promote and expand understanding amongst open minded religious and non
religious people about what
spirituality (not religion) is really all about. I would also like to give people an
opportunity to express why they love and have such faith in
their creator as expressed through
their religion.
I myself was raised a Christian, I even tried pretty hard to be a good one. At about the age of 15 I was influence by an older gentleman who was a devout believer in Jesus
Christ. He told me that there had once been a time in his life when everything he touched fell apart and he was lost. He believed that
he'd been
rescued from his pain and suffering through the blessings of god.
This gentleman actually drove the bus that took us to school in the morning and so I got the chance to really get to know him and who he was. What a true gentlemen this man was. He was totally committed to his beliefs, he gave up women,
liquor and several other things he considered vices all in an effort to walk in step with god. After talking about the scriptures with him for a time, I became motivated and inspired to find god. So I attempted to read the Bible in its entirety, my purpose
wasn't just to read the scriptures for the sake of reading the scriptures I was trying to get closer to god. Even though my life was rough at the time I
wasn't asking for help from god out of my situation I just wanted to do right by god and to be sure that I was doing right by god. Eventually I ended up spending about 3 months trying to read the bible.
One night while reading the scriptures, I began to get sleepy ( it was about 10:30 pm and I had school the next day). But I still wanted to get some more reading in , so I went to the bathroom were it was cold, hoping that would keep me awake so I could continue studying gods word. I again began to fall asleep. After a time I
stopped reading and I attempted to speak directly to god.
"God if this is your word then please give me a sign, just let me know that this is the way to get closer to you" The reply I got back was silence I again asked god to show me a sign, and again I
received the same reply which was silence. Shortly after this I then began to ask god questions that had been lingering in my mind for a while. Things such as God if you exist then how com?
Some folks (including innocent children)
don't have enough food to eat while some rotten people get to live it up.
Some children
don't have parents around to love, protect and guide them as they struggle to survive in a world that can be cruel.
So many good people have bad things happen to them including losing mothers and fathers who are actually providing for their children while some people who are rotten bastards get to live to ripe old ages mooching off of and using of others.
Once again folks, nothing but silence,
in spite of the fact that I have spent a great deal of time and energy over the years agonizing over these questions. In spite of all that effort I had put into finding and knowing these answers, there
wasn't and
hasn't been any answers
forthcoming from god about such questions for me.
I could never understand why the most unfortunate things happen to children through no fault of
their own in a just world, underneath the supervision and authority of a god, who not only has the power to stop such things from happening but also knew these children would suffer long before they or their parents were even born.
Although I continued to be a christian for the next 3 or so years, that night in the bathroom when I asked for a sign from god and
received nothing was the
beginning of my eventual break from Christianity ( as well as my biased and sometimes hostile attitude towards all religions).
By the age of 20 my break with religion (
Christianity) was complete and permanent. It was the most painful and
disappointing thing I have ever gone through in my life. Since the, I have participated in lots of ( sometimes exasperating but enjoyable) conversations with
Christians of all sects. I have also had similar conversations with people of different religions including
Judaism and Islam. Eventually I have found, that if we debate long enough it always concludes with the
religious folk saying something such as,
"well, we cant prove our religion's validity over another, we have our text and our beliefs and after that its a matter of faith and god will decide who one is correct",to which I point out that millions of
Budhisht have faith in their religions validity, does that mean because they are not
Christians and
don't believe that Jesus Christ was the son of god or even if they
don't believe in Jesus Christ at all they wont get to heaven when their "faith" has lead them to these beliefs. My thinking on this matter is, that type of logic is backwards and retarded so personally, I have always believed that spiritual/religious people need to come up with a better
explanation to the questions I have posed other than its a matter of faith in the end and that determines whether or not folks get to paradise (heaven) or not.
I have never
received anything close to a credible or
logical answer from
Christians or other religious folks when I have asked question such as these. The above questions still linger in my mind to this day in fact I have asked those same questions of
Christians and people of other religious affiliations many times and in many different ways and I never
received any answer to similar and obvious questions based on the logic that
Christians and other religious folks use to explain the world and god. My other questions have been and are
If everything is written then how is it possible for any man or woman to have free will or control over their actions?
If god created everything in the universe including the devil and all of the evil inside of the devil
wouldn't that make god responsible for everything that the devil has ever done to hurt mankind?
If god knew exactly what the devil was going to do to confuse and hurt his children
wouldn't that also make god responsible for the devils actions especially when you factor in that god created all of the wickedness inside of the devil and human beings in the first place.?
If god put the capacity inside of man and the devil to harm innocent people (particularly children) and the world, then
wouldn't that make god responsible for the harm to children and people caused by man and the devil?
If god loves man then why is there so much wickedness, murder, rape, mayhem and
chaos going on in the world, especially around impressionable children and what about famines and other natural
disasters that injure and kill scores of people every year if god can stop them and
doesn't wouldn't that make him responsible for those disasters as well?
Every year millions of kids, die from starvation,
debilitating, painful and disfiguring
disease's. Millions of women and children are sexually abused, raped and made orphans by aids each year in Africa alone, let alone the rest of the world.
Their are now 10 million orphans in Africa as a result of the Aids epidemic and my question to god and
Christians is this,
didn't god know that all of these catastrophes were gonna go down and how come he
didn't stop them from happening at least to innocent children? The christian god I was raised on is an all powerful being indeed, how hard would it have been for him to step in and prevent terribly unfortunate incidents at least from happening to kids ?
When I have asked questions like these in the past
Christians have responded with these types of answers " Read bible chapter such and such " ( insert
appropriate biblical quote here) , My response is , exactly which of the over 20 different bibles should I read chapter such and such from after all their are over 20 different bibles. Ive also heard things such as well god has his own plan and whatever happens is gods will.
My response is this type of thinking is, those are profound sounding words but they wont put a single meal in the mouths of 1 of those 10 million orphans in Africa (or any other third world regions), those words wont heal any child in the world infected with aids by
their mother nor will they heal any of the thousands of people in Liberia and Sierra Leone who have had their hands, feet and other body parts amputated by butchers.
Ive also heard things like,
maybe god showed you a sign and you just didn't see it. My response to this is, why would god make a sign hard to see when I ( or anybody else) is asking him to reveal his word? Ive also heard things such as maybe kids are suffering for the sins of their parents. My
reply to this is, If god is a just god then that
doesn't make any sense to me, why should a kid suffer for actions of the parents which they have no control of.
Every year millions of kids are forced into into illegal/sinful activities such as child soldiers and prostitutes. If their is a god and a specific way humans are supposed to live then it makes zero sense why god would allow innocent children to be forced to live
against his in my
Everyday we hear of stories of what immoral and harmful things are happening all over the world. Under a christian god, how is that right or just? Is it right that a child suffers for the choices an adult makes if god is the one who created all of the choices those adults make in the first place? Does that really make an iota of sense? I mean for real what's that all about?
If a child has absolutely no control over
their parents and how
their parents choose to live why must that child suffer in this world supposedly created by a loving all powerful and knowing god?
The kicker is this when I have asked christian folks questions such as these, they say things such as go pray and if you really pray to god and you are looking for answers they will be revealed to you. Or sometimes Ive heard, god works in mysterious ways and the message was their you just
didn't see because it
wasn't obvious.
To this type of logic my thinking is, what sense does it make for so wise and all knowing a
being to be sending messages revealing his truths in way's that
aren't crystal clear and easy for everyone to understand. Why would god put his messages and signs that lead to salvation in
un obvious or hidden messages. Surely something as important as gods words and his works should be revealed in a more obvious and less confusing way
shouldn't they?
The fact that there are several different religions claiming that all followers of other religions are going to hell for eternity proves quite easily that their is confusion about which religion is the actual word of god and will lead a soul to salvation. For instance we
don't argue over whether or not the sun is yellow because everyone accepts the fact that the sun is what we know as yellow.
Even amongst billions of people who look different, speak different languages, practice different religions and live in
different parts of the world the sun is
considered yellow. God could break his word down this simple if he wanted or chose to.
Wouldn't that make more sense and breed a lot less confusion? After all
Christians do not agree with each other on some
fundamental points of christian doctrine so if one is a non believer searching for god which way are they to roll,
Catholicism, Baptist, or
Jehovah Witness, Islam/
Judaism ?
Ive thought long and hard about these matters and I believe that if god does exist as presented by the bible (and
Christians) then he would make it clear to all that the bible was his first, last and only word it would also be presented in such a way that no one could argue or be confused about it. If
Christianity (or any other religion) was the only way to attain spiritual salvation I believe that god would have made that fact crystal clear a long time ago, with such overwhelming evidence that all would be able to universally agree on it the same way we all agree that the sun is yellow. That makes sense to me, not all of these mysterious reasons for gods actions or all of these signs that are hard to find and see and confusing to even will meaning
Christians or other spiritual people. Peace